The MathTwitterBlogoSphere (wisely abbreviated to #mtbos) is something that I’m keen to observe and dabble in where I can too. I love the idea of sharing Maths ideas, enthusiasm and geekery.
My name is Chris Smith, from Scotland and I write a weekly Maths newsletter which goes out by email to over 500 Maths lovers across the planet (you could join them too of course…just email aap03102 at
Because of that I am kind of reluctant to start a full-blown blog as I think I’d inevitably reduce the quality of the newsletter. So I’m kind of cheating by hi-jacking this website which hosts a super-cool programme Pi-Wire that my friend Fraser and I created to help visualise every genuine Maths-fan’s constant (a wee flavour of what it does can be found here
Please check Pi-Wire out and I’m looking forward to the missions of the #mitbos project…It’ll be insπring!
Oh, I’m also on twitter (@aap03102).
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