The MathTwitterBlogoSphere

The MathTwitterBlogoSphere (wisely abbreviated to #mtbos) is something that I’m keen to observe and dabble in where I can too. I love the idea of sharing Maths ideas, enthusiasm and geekery.

Me, Chris Smith
Me, Chris Smith

My name is Chris Smith, from Scotland and I write a weekly Maths newsletter which goes out by email to over 500 Maths lovers across the planet (you could join them too of course…just email aap03102 at

Because of that I am kind of reluctant to start a full-blown blog as I think I’d inevitably reduce the quality of the newsletter. So I’m kind of cheating by hi-jacking this website which hosts a super-cool programme Pi-Wire that my friend Fraser and I created to help visualise every genuine Maths-fan’s constant (a wee flavour of what it does can be found here

Please check Pi-Wire out and I’m looking forward to the missions of the #mitbos project…It’ll be insπring!

Oh, I’m also on twitter (@aap03102).






4 responses to “The MathTwitterBlogoSphere”

  1. Odena Avatar

    This is a really interesting site- I will have to use it on pi day. I still like to get my blogs by email so the email newsletter would still fit- I will send you an email.

  2. Leah Segal Avatar
    Leah Segal

    This program looks beautiful but I don’t think I fully understand what how it visualizes pi. Could you explain?

    1. Chris Avatar

      If you read this page it attempts to explain how the images are generated…
      If that still doesn’t help, send me another message or even better download and watch the pictures form and that will probably make things a bit clearer!
      Thanks for the comment though 🙂

  3. Nik Avatar

    Yay #MTBoS!

    Super psyched to hear about your newsletter at #GlobalMath in November, and to see what else pops up on here!


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