Pi-Day 2023 update: video clips from the pupils below! Maths geeks the world over adopt the 14th March (written as 3.14 with calendars whose format is month-day) as PiDay to celebrate all things Mathsy but specifically the number pi which begins 3.141592653589793… Chris is renowned for his PiDay antics – it was the topic of…
Hijacking slightly because there’s a project that’s so cool… This year, I’ve run a Code Club for some primary kids. For weeks, some of them have been designing a slide clicker out of the metal piano pedal using a Makey Makey invention kit (lots of fun). On Sunday, we tested it, with Pi-pal Chris as the ‘volunteer’…
Fraser here (the programmer). I was updating my own website, and remembered about Pi-Wire. I hadn’t though about this in aaages! When we started Pi-Wire, I was a programmer/PhD student. I really didn’t think that five years later, I’d be a teacher too. Next month, I start as a newly-minted NQT in computing science. Pi-mate Chris…